Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Personal Development of the Narrator in The Color Purple Essay Example
The Personal Development of the Narrator in The Color Purple Essay The narrator tries to persuade God she has done nothing wrong and she asks him for a sign or answer to the events of her life, I have always been a good girl maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me. She begins to find out what her stepfather is really like to live with and the demands of his sexual needs, which she also as to meet, he never had a kine word to say to me Your gonna do what your mammy wouldnt. The narrator only has a very vivid knowledge of sex, and therefore does not understand her stepfather raping her, first he put is thing up gainst my hip and sort of wiggle it around, Then he grad hold my titties. However she does know it is wrong and that she hates every moment of it:Stepfather: You better shut up and git used to itThe Narrator: But I never git used to it.As a result of these rapes the narrator becomes pregnant. On page 3 there is a subheadingwhich reads, You better never tell nobody but God. Itd kill your mother. And at the start o f the second diary entry (page 4) it begins My mammy dead, this seems to suggest the narrators stepfather has told her mother about the rapings and the baby? Her mother begins screaming and cussing at her. This give the impression that the story told could have been in the stepfathers favor and made to look like the narrators doing? Referring to the bottom of page 3 it says She happy (the narrators mother) this indicates she doesnt know anything about any sex and/or raping thats has occurred.After the death of the narrators mother the narrator is made to become the next motherly figure. She portrays this through the novel by explaining how big (pregnant) she is in terms of work and tasks within her daily life, By time I git all the tray ready the food be cold, By the time I git all the children ready for school it be dinner time. Both of these quotes refer to a typical mothers life. It is evident form the novel the narrator is quite religious as she refers to God at the beginning of every entry, Dear God. She talks about God doing good things and evil for example when she tells her mother the baby is Gods an when the baby is taken away she says God took it.The narrators linguistic skills are displayed on page 4 were she begins set the text out like speech, e.g.Dont nobody come see usShe got sicker and sickerFinally she ast where it is?I say God took itWith this she shows her level of intelligence and degree of education, even though she hasnt had much, what she has been tough she has retained. The narrator notices a change in her stepfather, He act like he cant stand me no more. This indicates he only likes her when she is looking nice, this seems not to be love, but lust Why dont you look decent. At this stage in the novel the narrator is feeling strongly emotional because she as just given birth, her body is flowing with nature, I of breasts full of milk running down myself, ready to feed the new born.The narrator hates her stepfather because all her troubl es relate to him and all she wants is for him to find somebody else, so she and her sister, Nettie are safe I keep hoping he find somebody else to marry. Throughout her letters she keeps her faith in God and she turns to him for help when ever she need to, Ill take care of you with God help. During the first three letters the narrator has been pregnant twice, this shows how frequently she writes the letters. This means when one is reading the novel things happen very quickly and each letter is full of significant events in the narrators life, he came home with a girl around Gray. She be my age but they be married.The narrator seems to have some kind of feelings for her stepfather even though he as abused her from such a young age, I think she though she loved him. But he got so many of us. All needing something this sounds like she has feelings for him. (not quite sure why?) The narrator is concerned for Nettie because she as a boyfriend and he has three children. With her witnes sing her mothers death coursed by a mixture of difficult children and her Stepfather she fears for Nettie, It be more than a notion taking care of children aint even yourn. And look what happened to Ma.Then narrator has been raped and beaten by her stepfather, he beat me today. She develops great abhorrence and hate towards him and men in general; I dont even look at mens. She begins to make the connection between her suffering and male-stream domination. (Stepfather) With this she starts looking to the female gender for comforting thoughts, I look at women. Im not scared of them.The narrator is thinking about her mothers death and she blames her stepfather, Trying to believe his story kilt her. This quote can also be used to link the first part of the essay, when I connected the first comment on page 3 (letter1) with the beginning of the 4th page (ltter2). I suggested that the narrators stepfathers had twisted the facts about the rapes and pregnancy and the above quote seems to rei nforce that analogy. If so, this would explain why the narrators mother was screaming and cussing her. In letter five the reader learns that the narrator is unable to have another pregnancy,Girl at church: You get big if you bleed every monthThe narrator: I dont bleed no moreThis makes the narrator in some way relieved because after her mother died with stress from children and her husband I believe she feels more secure.When Shug Avery is mentioned in letter six and the narrator expresses immediate interest, I ast out new mammy bout Shug Avery. With this her stepmother gets picture of her and the narrator stair at it all night. It is obvious from the novel she likes Shug Avery, also she said she doesnt look at man any more, but women. She seems to be going through a significant change in her life and quite easily the reader can work out that the narrator my be a lesbian. The narrator says Shug is the most beautiful woman she ever saw, she gives the impression Shug Avery is really s pecial and almost sacred to her, she be dressed to kill, whirling an laughing.Letter nine the reader finally learns the narrator name is Celie! Which is a relief from referring to her as the narrator constantly. She tries to protect her sister from the stepfather by offering herself to him, instead of Nettie, I ast him to take me instead of Nettie while our new mammy sick I can fix myself up, but he beats her and calls her trampy and rapes her anyway. This makes me think Celie feels she has nothing to lose because she has already been abused so much, but her sister is pure and Celie seems to be prepared keep it that way.Celies self-confidence is under attack when she over hears a conversation between her stepfather and Netties boyfriend. She feels second best, useless and used when her stepfather describes her as Ugly and Spoiled, it took him the whole spring from March to June, to make his mind up to take me. I think Celies love for Nettie is out standing because all through the n ovel Celie tried her best to protect her, she could come to me if I marry him. Nettie is an intelligent girl and we have evidence of this in letter 7 were she makes the link between Cucumbers and Columbus. This is a significant indication to Netties intellect and should be noted. In the novel there are many small phrases which have great significance.The men in the novel usually treat Celie with no respect and she gets used to being told what to do, Mr. _________ want another look at you. She is normally nervous when she is around men because she doesnt quite know what their response will be. Celie goes in to town and she sees a woman holing a baby Celie believes this is her baby. She begins to show great interest in the baby and she even notes the baby emotions, She fretting over something. She got my eyes just like they is today. Like everything I seen, she seen, and she pondering it. The babys mum tells Celie the baby is called Pauline, but she calls her Olivia. Then Celie tells the reader about the embroidery she did on the babys clothes Olivia, The mum says she calls her Olivia because she looks holy. This seems a feeble reason for calling her Olivia and the reader begins starts to think the baby probably is Celies. Celie and the babys mother are having a conversation, Celie is really enjoying herself, however when the babys dad comes he stops the fun immediately and Celie is yet again left with another male negative encounter.In letter 11 we learn that Nettie comes to stay with Celie and her husband because she has run away from Alphonso. Nettie presence makes Celie feel more comfortable. Celie shows evidence that she still cares more about her sister than herself, It nearly kill me to think she marry somebody likeMr.________. Even though Celie, much of the time, is by herself she says long as I can spell G-O-D is got somebody along. Eventually Mr.________ realises he has failed to seduce Nettie and thrown her out, there is a dramatic plead to let Nett ie stay but Mr. ________ ignores them and regardlessly splits the sisters up. This makes Celie feel lost unwanted and alone, because Nettie was the one who always passed on compliments to her and made her feel better about herself and intelligence.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How Technology is Changing the Way We Communicate essays
How Technology is Changing the Way We Communicate essays I believe technology is evolving the ways in which we communicate. Forty years ago, the ways in which we communicated were limited to face-to-face, letter or telephone. It should be no surprise that as new technologies emerge to make life easier, new ways to communicate emerge as well. The two most popular technologically advanced medians in which we communicate are email and the internet (personal web pages, chat rooms, etc...). Email may be the biggest evolutionary advance in communication in modern history. Initially, email was thought that they were too impersonal. Like written mail, how do you convey tone of voice, sarcasm, and nonverbal cues in which the reader gets a feel for how his message is being received? The answer is as ingenious as email itself, emoticons. Emoticons, according to Adler (1997), are combinations of keyboard characters that relay nonverbal facial expressions. They are so commonly accepted and used, that on most word processing programs typing a colon and a back parenthesis yields J rather then : ). Other emotions that can be displayed are: :o for surprise, L for sad, or ;) for a wink. Although emoticons are more commonly used in chat room environments, it is common to see them in email as well. In the business world, email is often frowned upon due to its impersonal nature. It may work for interoffice messages replacing the memo system, but I believe anyone who has been in a business environment trusts face to face communication sealed with a handshake rather than electronic correspondence. I believe there should be a balance of both. According to Adler (1997), emailers can choose the desired level of clarity or ambiguity, seriousness or humor, logic or emotion. Unlike face-to-face communication, electronic communication allows a sender to say different things without forcing the receiver to respond immediately and ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers
5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers 5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers 5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers By Mark Nichol Make sure that when you shoehorn additional information into a sentence, it is being wedged in at a location where its relationship to a word or phrase is clear. Each of the following sentences suffers from ambiguity because of sloppy syntax; the discussions and revisions clear the confusion. 1. Many students let friends and family know they were safe in social media posts. The sentence implies that students found safety within social media posts, but the fact that such posts were the medium by which students communicated their safe status to friends and family is best relocated to immediately after the subject: â€Å"Many students used social media to let friends and family know they were safe.†(This revision also places the key word, safe, where it is most effectively located- at the end of the sentence.) 2. Millennials consist of people born from 1980 to 2000; to put it more simply for them, since they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads, thanks to computers, their demographic group consists mostly of teens and twentysomethings. The location of â€Å"thanks to computers†creates initial ambiguity: Does it modify the preceding phrase, or the one that follows? Computers bear the blame for millennials’ lack of facility with cranial computation, or the age range of their demographic group is credited to computers? The former choice is the correct one, obviously, but it’s not clear until after the first or even second reading. To clarify the sentence’s intent, that parenthetical phrase should appear earlier in the sentence: â€Å"To put it more simply for millennials, since, thanks to computers, they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads, their demographic group consists mostly of teens and twentysomethings.†Better yet, to reduce comma clutter, write, â€Å"Millennials consist of people born from 1980 to 2000; to put it more simply for them- since, thanks to computers, they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads- their demographic group consists mostly of teens and twentysomethings.†3. The Financial Conduct Authority is a financial regulatory body that operates independently of the UK government, whose responsibilities include maintaining financial market integrity. The simplest solution for this sentence- which unintentionally states that the UK government, rather than the Financial Conduct Authority, bears the specified responsibility- is to merely replace the comma with and to create a compound modifying phrase. But a more elegant solution is to place the trailing modifying phrase as a mid-sentence parenthetical comment: â€Å"The Financial Conduct Authority, whose responsibilities include maintaining financial market integrity, is a financial regulatory body that operates independently of the UK government.†4. In fact, if employers do not reinforce learning, the forgetting curve shows that about 80 percent of important workplace information can be forgotten in the first month. According to this sentence, the failure of employers to reinforce learning causes the forgetting curve to demonstrate the percentage of key workplace information forgotten within a month. But the forgetting curve needs no such prompting. â€Å"The forgetting curve†is the subject, and it should be nearer the head of the sentence (after a brief modifying tag): â€Å"In fact, the forgetting curve shows that if employers do not reinforce learning, about 80 percent of important workplace information can be forgotten in the first month.†5. If a third party is to be given consumers’ personal information, such as an auditing organization, data should be anonymized. An auditing organization is identified in this sentence as an example of consumers’ personal information. But an auditing organization is an example of a third party, so that parenthetical phrase should immediately follow â€Å"third party†: â€Å"If a third party, such as an auditing organization, is to be given healthcare consumers’ consumers’ personal information, data should be anonymized.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)On Behalf Of vs. In Behalf OfQuiet or Quite?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9
No topic - Essay Example It was noticed that people who hold a biblical perspective are radically different in their views on common positions about moral principles. In addition, they choose a lifestyle which is very different from other people`s one. People, who believe in the Creator, do not recognize the scientific and pseudo-scientific theories about the origin of the universe. Moreover, they may believe that they came to Earth with a certain purpose, at least, to lead a virtuous life, and then - as the highest award – their souls would reunite with God. They believe that God directs them, and he also sends the tests to them - in some ways it is similar to the ideas of fatalism. In addition, it is difficult to convince the followers of monotheism that other point of view have a right to exist too. The Word of the Creator - as the highest incomprehensible creature, who causes trembling – lead to no distinguish between "religious" and "secular" life; there is only the Christian life. Mark Twain vividly expressed opinion on the subject of the cruelty of God, his abuse and violence on his creations: â€Å"Our Bible reveals to us the character of our God with minute and remorseless exactness. [†¦] In the Old Testament His acts expose His vindictive, unjust, ungenerous, pitiless and vengeful nature constantly. He is always punishingâ€â€punishing trifling misdeeds with thousand-fold severity; punishing innocent children for the misdeeds of their parents; punishing unoffending populations for the misdeeds of their rulers; even descending to wreak bloody vengeance upon harmless calves and lambs and sheep and bullocks, as punishment for inconsequential trespasses committed by their proprietors. [†¦] It makes Nero an angel of light and leading, by contrast†. True, the Bible says not to kill, not to steal, love thy neighbor as thyself, love your enemies and so on. Therefore, when we hear the call for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reckoning essay on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reckoning on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia - Essay Example I did not know the people who died in the Moscow subway, yet my friend quite rationally assumed that it would touch me more, considering it happened in my home town. His rationality was built on the assumption that because I lived there, I was somehow closer to the mental concept of the tragedy. Perhaps I was, but I do not think I felt anything more exceptional than my friend did for those people. It seemed like something you ought to feel sad about, yet in the end we both went to get our afternoon coffee. I think about why we, as people, think that just because we belong to a certain geographical place, the events unfolding there should matter to us more. Perhaps the event would have mattered to me more if I had been in Moscow still. Just like Vermeer who was visibly affected by the war; the war resulted in the â€Å"devastation of the Dutch economy and Vermeer’s own †¦ bankruptcy†(Weschler 15), which eventually may have even caused him to die at the young age of 42. Yet, in his paintings, one finds a sense of calm and peacefulness. This sense of calm is so apparent that Antonio Cassese, an Italian judge presiding over the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, confides to Weschler that his way of keeping his sanity in front of all the madness and chaos of the Yugoslav war, and listening to the vivid stories of the inhumanity of humans, is to go â€Å"to the Mauritshuis museum, in the center of town, so as to spend a little time with the Vermeers†(Weschler 14). The paintings of Vermeer in the Mauritshuis museum offer something akin to that to Weschler as well. He is sure, as are others who have had the chance to gaze upon the paintings and try to find a deeper meaning to them, that something like peace and tranquility is transmitted through these paintings. Albeit there are those (like Snow) who find a very different, and sexual, meaning to the paintings, however, Weschler feels that, surrounded by chaos, Vermeer was trying to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
2.5 Food Saftey Essay Example for Free
2.5 Food Saftey Essay Directions: Complete the food safety interactive quiz. Use the information from the interactive quiz to complete the following responses regarding food safety practices. For each of the following food safety practices, share at least 2 statements from the interactive quiz. Be sure to put these statements in your own words and explain why they are helpful in preventing food borne illness. An example would be: When dining from a buffet, make sure hot food is hot and cold food is cold. Food that is 40 – 140 degrees Fahrenheit has already begun to grow bacteria and pathogens. Clean (16 points): 1. Keeping your surfaces clean after cooking or letting an animal sit on it. 2. Keeping your hands clean keep you from getting ill. Separate (16 points): 1. When cross contamination happens it spreads bacteria from one item to a food item which will make you sick. 2. Keep raw meat and their juices away from cooked or ready-to-eat foods and fresh produce. Cook (16 points): 1. If food is left out for 8 hours, the food should be thrown out. See more: Strategic Management Process Essay When bacteria have nutrients, moisture, and favorable temperatures, they grow rapidly, increasing in numbers to the point where some types of bacteria can cause severe illness Cook thawed food to a minimum internal temperature to kill the bacteria. Chill (16 points): 1. When cooked food is left out for too long it can grow bacteria that can make you sick. 2. Freezing to 0 degrees F inactivates any bacteria, yeasts, and molds present in food. In your own kitchen, explain 2 food safety practices you feel your family can improve and 2 food safety practices you feel your family does well. (16 points) In my house our kitchen counters are perpetually dirty; at least that’s how I feel about it. Every time I walk into the kitchen there dirty and it’s kind of hard to tell who did what cause were a large family. There’s also the problem with closing bags that hold our food after they grab some of the food. For example the for the cheese container, when they make their sandwiches the leave the cheese container open in the refrigerator causing the cheese to go bad at a faster rate. I do have to say when it comes to cleaning dishes we are immaculate. No spot is left on or glass wear and sliver wear. We also are very particular when it comes to cleaning the stove (gas burner), flat top, and indoor grill. In what ways do your school and community practice or promote food safety to contribute to your personal health? (20 points) I can’t really say there’s anything. Our school promotes healthy eating but, I don’t eat school lunch. My community is really into recycling and making sure our streets and beaches our clean if that counts but that’s pretty much it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Treatment of Nature by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge E
William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge had vastly different writing styles as well as opinions of the material they treated in their writing. One of the primary differences between the two is how each treats nature in his work. Wordsworth, in his self-proclaimed writing like the common man, often expresses a nostalgic appreciation for nature, as can be seen in â€Å"Tintern Abbey†. On the other hand, Coleridge’s character, the mariner from â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,†scorns nature and only learns to respect it, not necessarily to love it. Coleridge treats the supernatural far more than Wordsworth, and it is debatable as to whether or not his frequent use of opium contributes to this tendency. Overall, it stands to reason that nature is presented as a pure, innocent, and desirable thing to Wordsworth, and Coleridge’s writing deems it unpleasant, albeit powerful. Wordsworth’s â€Å"Tintern Abbey†is a poignant view of his return to the Banks of Wye, where he spent much of his youth. He clearly feels favorably toward Nature, which as it seems is the entire focus of the poem. After a description spanning the first 21 line stanza about certain aspects of the Nature he recalls favorably, he calls them â€Å"beauteous forms†and says that he experiences â€Å"feelings too of unremembered pleasure†because of them (line 22, 30-31). Wordsworth’s mission statement in Lyrical Ballads is essentially to use the language and to recapture the beauty of ordinary men, while still establishing his prowess in poetry. His account of nature in â€Å"Tintern Abbey†represents not necessarily the language of ordinary men, but he believes these pure forms of nature upon which he reminisces to be a common good across the lines of class. However, he claim... ...osing Wordsworth and Coleridge’s poems, it can be deduced that Nature must be loved and feared. This might seem reminiscent with traditional views of God, as he is believed to be a beautiful albeit powerful form of power. Thus, Nature is established as an all-encompassing form of power that can govern one’s life. Works Cited 1. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.†Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Period: Volume D, 8th edition. Ed. Greenblatt, Stephen. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006. 430-446. Print. 2. Wordsworth, William. â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798.†Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Period: Volume D, 8th edition. Ed. Greenblatt, Stephen. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006. 258-262. Print.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Book That Changed My Life Essay
We have to admit that some great books have the power to heal our souls and make us better people. Around The World in Eighty Days is just such a book to me. This book is a fiction story written by a French writer, Jules Verne. In this story, an Englishman, Phileas Fogg and his new French valet Passepartout attempt to travel around the world within eighty days just because he had a huge wager with his friends at the club. Mr Fogg wants to prove his contention that one can travel around the world in only eighty days. During their journey around the world, they met many friends and faced tons of challenges and difficulties. Besides the interesting and vivid plot of the story, this inspiring book has taught me three things when facing difficulties in life: never give up, caring others, and do something meaningful in life. First of all, of the many things that I learned from this book, one of them is overcoming difficulties. Traveling around the world in eighty days is a daydream for many persons but Mr Fogg made it successfully because he insisted and did not give up. Even though this book is a fiction, from the author’s perspective, the tools that we need for success is perseverance. Throughout the whole book, I learned that there are many difficult problems we need to be confronted with in our real life. But if you try hard to conquer it and you may find a way to be success. Therefore by the end of the book I decided to study a very tough course that I never studied before. I was really interested in this course and I want to challenge myself. Many friends laughed at me about my impulsion. But I never regret this decision. Instead, I thought it was the best decision of my life because I learned a lot from that tough process. People in the world usually like to criticize and judge others. By l earning from Mr Fogg, I realized that I should not care of those criticisms. Finally, I passed this tough course with my effort. I think it is this book makes me a much stronger person. Secondly, this book also made me understand it is more important for us to give than to receive. In the story, Mr Fogg is a very punctual and serious Englishman. And after he fights with Indian in America, he found that his valet Passepartout was missing. Other people asked Fogg to hurry on with his journey because of the wager, but Mr Fogg refused to continue his journey without his valet. At that moment, Mr Fogg has shown his humanity and kindness. I was impressed about Mr Fogg’s selfless personality to his companion. I realized that sometimes I am a little bit self-centered. Therefore I need to be more considerate of the needs and feelings of the other people. Indeed, this book has totally changed my personality traits from a person with a negative life attitude and a little self-centered to a person with a positive life attitude, and a considerate heart. Last but not least, this book stimulates my mind to start thinking in a different way. In the story, Mr Fogg was a typical Englishman who was stubborn, punctual and serious. But he finally realized that the essence of life should be more colorful and meaningful. People need to try different ways of life. I remembered that when I was taking Asian American class, the professor told me that 99% of the people are living in a pretty boring life. They go to the same restaurant every day, sitting in the same seats and ordering the same food. If you jump out of the box and try something new or think in a different way, you will get totally new experiences and ideas that may surprise you. Mr Fogg was just a normal people before his great journey, until one day he made a bet with his friends in the club. And he did what he boasted and finally became a hero. I realized that I did nothing meaningful in my past life. So I decided to do something which can make my life more challenging and meaning ful. I joined couple of volunteer work and groups. Through that process, I gained both new life experiences and happiness. It is true that some books can greatly change our life. I learned many valuable personalities from Mr Fogg such as determination, perseverance, and selflessness. It also taught me that I need to think in a different way and do something meaningful in my life. Overall, this inspiring book has altered my behavior and changed my mind. I highly recommend this great book.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Color of Water Rhetorical
Racism was a great dilemma for African Americans in the past. James McBride, who was the writer The Color of Water, is a great example on the hardships of racism. McBride tells us of how he and his mother were faced with struggles and still prospered though because It does not matter if he is considered Jewish or Christian; It does not matter if he is considered black or white, all that matters is that you must advance. James begins his life with confusion, not knowing which side to settle with and at the end of the story he is calm and has accepted his identity. He begins with memories about his father's death, about the lack of space in their house, about the hobbies his mother took up after his father's death and about how he was embarrassed by his Jewish mother. On one side he is profoundly in touch with his black side and on the other he despises it. For example, he is teased by the white, and is sent to a Jewish school. He switches between the two sides frequently. When his father dies, he pushes his family away and lives with his step sister and sees the real black life through encounters with the Chicken Man and others. On the other hand, he also traces out his white Jewish roots through his mother. He understands his mother's struggles and identifies with them. He begin to realize that she controlled her life, not her religion or her race and as he reaches this realization through his struggles as a black son of a white mother, as a Christian son of a Jewish mother, he understands that it doesn’t matter. He is what he makes of himself: the color of water. His best friend is a Jew and he becomes the best man at his wedding and McBride's mother attends his wedding and fully participates in it. These events marks the climax of all the struggles, religious and ethnicity, of the McBride family; the son's life rising from confusion and ambivalence. James asks his mother whether God is black or white, when he is a boy living in a black community with a mother who is white, and is doing so because he is confised about his personal race and who he is. Adding to the confusion, his mother responds that she is â€Å"light-skinned†. When his mother explains that God doesn't have a color, and that God is â€Å"the color of water†, he begins to grasp the concept of god being within us. Racism, in this time, affected many African American childrens goal in life. During my residency in Florida, I had a African American freidn who I was not allowed to speak to due to racial discrimination. Some individuals fear them or are provoked by the color, which to me is in-humane. When will we see equality among different races? Racism can be defined as a discrimination or prejudice, based on race and a belief that a particular race is superior to others. According to Christian beliefs, all humans have two ancestors, Adam and Eve. All humans are brothers and sisters but the unique in their own separate ways. Combine this with ignorance and it gives rise to racism. Racism has been around for a long time, and its effects are still being seen. James McBride and his mother stuggle during segregation in 1940-1970's. To this day racisms still exist. It may not be as worse as in the olden days, but it is still affecting individuals around the world. McBride reveals to us of how his life, during racism, was a complete struggle but still is able to prosper.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
List of Organs Damaged by Smoking Expanded
List of Organs Damaged by Smoking Expanded Smoking causes diseases in nearly every organ of the body, according to a comprehensive report on smoking and health from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Published 40 years after the surgeon generals first report on smoking which concluded that smoking was a definite cause of three serious diseases this newest report finds that cigarette smoking is conclusively linked to diseases such as leukemia, cataracts, pneumonia, and cancers of the cervix, kidney, pancreas, and stomach. Weve known for decades that smoking is bad for your health, but this report shows that its even worse than we knew, said U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona in a press release. The toxins from cigarette smoke go everywhere the blood flows. Im hoping this new information will help motivate people to quit smoking and convince young people not to start in the first place. According to the report, smoking kills an estimated 440,000 Americans each year. On average, men who smoke cut their lives short by 13.2 years, and female smokers lose 14.5 years. The economic toll exceeds $157 billion each year in the United States $75 billion in direct medical costs and $82 billion in lost productivity. We need to cut smoking in this country and around the world, HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson said. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disease, costing us too many lives, too many dollars, and too many tears. If we are going to be serious about improving health and preventing disease we must continue to drive down tobacco use. And we must prevent our youth from taking up this dangerous habit. In 1964, the Surgeon Generals report announced medical research showing that smoking was a definite cause of cancers of the lung and larynx (voice box) in men and chronic bronchitis in both men and women. Later reports concluded that smoking causes a number of other diseases such as cancers of the bladder, esophagus, mouth, and throat; cardiovascular diseases; and reproductive effects. The report, The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General, expands the list of illness and conditions linked to smoking. The new illnesses and diseases are cataracts, pneumonia, acute myeloid leukemia, abdominal aortic aneurysm, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, kidney cancer and periodontitis. Statistics indicate that more than 12 million Americans have died from smoking since the 1964 report of the surgeon general, and another 25 million Americans alive today will most likely die of a smoking-related illness. The reports release comes in advance of World No Tobacco Day, an annual event on May 31 that focuses global attention on the health hazards of tobacco use. The goals of World No Tobacco Day are to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco use, encourage people not to use tobacco, motivate users to quit and encourage countries to implement comprehensive tobacco control programs. Impacts of Smoking on Overall Health The report concludes that smoking reduces the overall health of smokers, contributing to such conditions as hip fractures, complications from diabetes, increased wound infections following surgery, and a wide range of reproductive complications. For every premature death caused each year by smoking, there are at least 20 smokers living with a serious smoking-related illness. Another major conclusion, consistent with recent findings of other scientific studies, is that smoking so-called low-tar or low-nicotine cigarettes does not offer any health benefit over smoking regular or full-flavor cigarettes. There is no safe cigarette, whether it is called light, ultra-light, or any other name, Dr. Carmona said. The science is clear: the only way to avoid the health hazards of smoking is to quit completely or to never start smoking. The report concludes that quitting smoking has immediate and long-term benefits, reducing risks for diseases caused by smoking and improving health in general. Within minutes and hours after smokers inhale that last cigarette, their bodies begin a series of changes that continue for years, Dr. Carmona said. Among these health improvements are a drop in heart rate, improved circulation, and reduced risk of heart attack, lung cancer, and stroke. By quitting smoking today a smoker can assure a healthier tomorrow. Dr. Carmona said it is never too late to stop smoking. Quitting smoking at age 65 or older reduces by nearly 50 percent a persons risk of dying of a smoking-related disease. Unexpected Organs Damaged by Smoking Aside from the major organs- heart, lungs, brain, stomach, etc.- cigarette smoking and excessive exposure to secondhand smoke can cause damage to some unexpected parts of the body, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Ears: By reducing the flow of oxygen to the cochlea, a snail-shaped organ in the inner ear, smoking can damage the cochlea, resulting in mild to moderate hearing loss. Eyes: Besides increasing the risk of blindness from cataracts, nicotine from cigarettes reduces the body’s ability to produce the chemical necessary for being able to see at night, especially dangerous when driving after dark. Mouth: Long known for causing disfiguring and potentially fatal oral cancers, cigarette smoke is now known to cause smokers to have more mouth sores, ulcers and gum diseases than non-smokers. In addition, smokers are more likely to have tooth decay and lose their teeth at a younger age. Skin and Face: By causing the skin to become dry and lose its elasticity, smoking can lead to stretch marks and wrinkles. By their early 30s, many regular smokers have already developed deep wrinkles around their mouth and eyes. According to the NHLBI, quitting smoking can protect the skin from premature aging.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Review of the Movies City of God, Gueros and Wadjda
A Review of the Movies City of God, Gueros and Wadjda City of God, Geros, and Wadjda can be described as the movies of the season. The videos present real-life situations, capturing the attention of their audience and changing their view of the societal norms and practices. Although the movies were written and produced by different people, they nevertheless contain individual physical, social, and cultural aspects that may or may not be the same. In each movie, there is a main character whose decisions and actions are influenced by the environment, societal and cultural beliefs. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to describe the similarities and differences in the physical, social, and cultural factors in the films that influence the decisions of the main characters. Physical Differences In Wadjda, the leading actor is Wadjda, rebellious young lady who has her beliefs on how the universe should run. She is affected by three physical factors. First is her desire of own a bicycle. Her environment does not accept a woman to ride a bike. However, as a child, Wadjda has always wanted to ride one. She has seen a beautiful bike a nearby shop and intended to buy it. Her desire causes her to join the school music festival hoping she would win and get the money she needs to by the bicycle. This is a secret she keeps to herself. Secondly, Wadjda is influenced by the school, where she meets people from different backgrounds with different beliefs. She learns about freedom, and she wants to extend the same in her surrounding. Finally, Wadjda does not like the dressing code. Women in her society have to cover their faces and hair. Wadjda, however, does the opposite and leaves her face and hair exposed. In the City of God, the main character, Alexandre Rodrigues, or Rocket, is influenced by two factors. First, he does not like the dirty city. Rocket was born and raised in the slum. All his life he has witnessed the unhygienic state of his home. When he becomes of age, he decides to join the gang and move out of the dirty slum life. Again, his decisions are affected by the people around him. While growing up, the only ones around him were criminals who were part of gangs. He grows up knowing that there is the only way to go. He later joins a band although he was not good at it. Finally, the main character in Geros is influenced by the desire to do things his way for a better life. For instance, when he goes to visit his college brother in New York and finds them living in a small, filthy room with no power, he wonders why they have not yet stricken. According to him, the strike would be the only way to push the administration to ensure students welfare is attended to properly. Social Differences Although the society prevents girls from befriending boys, Wadjda respects and values friendship and has no problem befriending the boy next door. She believes people from both sexes should be allowed to be friends. Additionally, she listens and watches western music that gives her more exposure to the world, and she learns it is not bad to own a bicycle. Violence and gangster life influence Rocket, on the other hand. In his society, being part of a gang is the only means of livelihood available. One has to join a group to earn income for the family. This forced Rocket to be part of a gang although he did not like it. Finally, Geros is affected by poverty and his will for freedom. He opposes everything that reduces human dignity. He also makes quick and irrational decisions some of which land him in trouble. His mother sends him to New York after she could not tolerate him anymore. There, he mobilized students, and they engage in a strike demanding for better housing conditions. Cultural Differences Wadjda does not like her cultural beliefs. The fact that women have not say in the society annoys her. Her teacher claims she a stubborn girl because she opposes some things she does not like. She also forced to watch her mother suffer in her fathers hands. The girls religion also demands that women should not walk without guardians even when they are married. Wadjda opposes this walking alone admiring the city. Rocket, however, is influenced by the slum life his surrounding is living in. Their culture is that of poverty, and people are forced into criminal acts to make ends meet. Rocket has no choice but to follow suit. He, however, moves out of the slum and finds a good place to stay. Lastly, Geros is influenced by political radicalism and the need for social change. He seems to oppose the authority and demands them to perform their duties. Even his mother gets tired of him and sends him to New York. In New York, he becomes one of the ring leaders organizing strikes and demonstrations. Physical, Social, and Cultural Similarities Physically, all the movies are set in the modern society. Wadjda can access and watch videos. She has also seen and liked a bicycle and intends to buy it. In the same way, Rocket is born and raised in a slum. Slums are familiar in the main cities where people in the lowest social class live. They are usually dirty, and gangsters are very many. Geros is also exposed to the town of New York, which is one of the largest cities in the United States. Together with other youths, they engage in strikes to improve the condition of people living in the city. Socially, freedom fights and violence are common in all the three movies. Wadjda wants to buy the bicycle because it represents her freedom. Rocket joins gang life as he wants a better life that enables him to move out of the dirty life. Geros also engages people in strikes in the quest for freedom and better living conditions. Finally, poverty is a cultural phenomenon that drives all the main characters in the films. Wadjda cannot afford the bicycle; and thus, she is forced to join the music competition. Rocket is a gang because his family is poor. They are also living in a slum. Geros and his brother are also poor. They live in a dirty little room without electricity. In conclusion, the three movies are the true presentation of the modern societies and the challenges that people experience in their daily lives. They give pictures of how people are forced to make hard decisions as they attempt to make their lives better and easy.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Sustainable Deficit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sustainable Deficit - Essay Example Productivity affects the current account when investment occurs in order to increase future output. According to Economic Review, First Quarter 2001, â€Å"economic theory predicts that if a country experiences an investment boom as a result of increased productivity, while its trading partners do not, its current account deficit should widen.†Catherine Mann suggests that current account deficit can indicate that a nation is â€Å"living beyond its means,†or that a country is attracting global foreign investment due to higher returns and less risk. In the Economic Review article, Jill Holman defines current account as â€Å"the change Over time in the sum of three components: the trade account, the income account, and The transfer account.†Trade account is the difference in value of imports and exports. Income account is the difference in income payments made to foreigners versus payments Received from foreigners. Transfer account is the difference in value of private and government payments to and from other countries. The explanation on page 8 of the Economic Review summarizes a trade deficit that must be financed by borrowing from abroad. How this borrowing affect the U.S. current account deficit is more complicated than the trade deficit. The U.S. trade deficit has been widening since the late 1990s as we demand and consume more foreign goods. As we borrow from abroad, we must also make payments to foreign investors. Overall, deficits in both accounts are the result of U.S. participation in a global marketplace.
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